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Voices of the Mission: Board Members

Meet some of the faces on Nashville Rescue Mission’s Board of Directors. Hear in their words why the Mission matters.

Anvil Nelson, Board Chair

“I am involved with the Mission because it is a way that I can show the love of Christ while sharing the good news of the gospel. It gives me the opportunity to serve God by serving the homeless and demonstrating the physical manifestation of His Kingdom by offering food, shelter, and clothing to those in need (Matthew 25:35-39).”



Eric Ward, Board Treasurer

“Nashville Rescue Mission addresses the real issues impacting the homeless community. We do not look to the government to be the solution. As Christians, it is our responsibility to minister to everyone. My favorite thing about being part of the Mission is knowing that we are truly impacting the immediate and eternal needs of the homeless community. We are ministering to people in their time of greatest need.”



Diane LeBlanc, Board Member

“The Mission is doing so many good and important things for our community. They provide thousands of meals each week, offer a clean bed and clothing to those in need. But, probably the single most important thing they do is invite guests to establish a new relationship with God. It’s what encourages those who walk through the doors to find confidence and hope that their future can be different than their past.”

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