Four years ago, Lexi and her family volunteered to serve Thanksgiving dinner after hearing about Nashville Rescue Mission from country star Tracy Lawrence. Lexi was only nine and if she’s being honest, she’ll tell you she was nervous. Maybe even a bit frightened. She’d never been to a rescue mission before, didn’t know what to expect, and wasn’t sure she what she’d be doing. Now, when she looks back, she has no idea why she ever hesitated.
“It was really cool being able to serve homeless families with my own family and my friend who came along,” she recalls. That Thanksgiving also happened to be my birthday. By the time I left, I decided to have my birthday party there the next year.”
She couldn’t wait an entire year though. Soon after, Lexi and her mom and dad began serving in the men’s kitchen twice a week. They bonded with the staff and guests. “We don’t have family outside of the three of us. The Mission has become family. The men in the program that come through here, the staff, and so many others there have been amazing to our family. They have given more to us in love and respect then we can ever pay back. We are so grateful.”
When her 10th birthday rolled around, she invited her friends and their parents to serve alongside her. It was a birthday to remember. “WOW, the experience was amazing and the turnout was huge,” Kerry, Lexi’s mom says. Lexi’s birthday guests filled the kitchen and dining room, serving food and offering smiles and hope.
For a now thirteen-year-old girl, Lexi’s big heart and love for others is more than evident each time she serves at the Mission. All of her free time is spent in dance classes, focusing on perfecting her skills for competitions. But no matter what, volunteering comes even before dance, which is a selfless act for such a young girl. “I learn the most when I choose to come to the Mission instead of dance class. I know God told me to be here. God always comes first, and therefore helping others come first above my hobby. I love helping people. I want to make sure none of them go to bed hungry.
Lexi and her parents have seen homeless guests walk by with grateful smiles, and others with downtrodden and sad faces. No matter who they interact with at the Mission, they continually strive to spread hope … and desserts. “My favorite part is always when I get to be the one to serve the desserts!” Lexi exclaims. Everyone loves dessert.”