Imagine you are a homeless mother… trying to survive on the dangerous streets… doing whatever is necessary to care for your son who is turned away because he’s too old to live in the community with shared bathroom facilities.
What do you do?
Donna, who had never been homeless before, came to the Mission after being evicted. With nowhere else to go and not knowing what to do, she left her son at the only shelter in town for homeless teens because she couldn’t bring him to the Mission—he’s too old to stay there and too young to go to the Men’s Mission.
Homelessness is not exclusive to alcoholics, addicts and those unable or unwilling to work. Economic and abusive situations have brought on many of the “new” homeless. In fact, single women and mothers with children are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population.
Why should I care?
Our willingness to make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate is a way to acknowledge and thank God for the blessings we have received. In helping the homeless, we are not saying every road they chose was the right path. We are simply recognizing those women with serious problems can and do change—and their children deserve a chance in life beyond their imminent and emerging reality. By extending a helping hand to bring about change, we increase opportunities for homeless women and children to break the chains of their lives.
Transforming the lives of homeless women and children
Through the Mission programs homeless women effectively overcome their circumstances, break addictions, further their education, become employed, secure their own living arrangements, pay taxes and even serve our community as volunteers. When helping homeless women and children, we are not only helping someone start anew, but we are also making our community a better place. Individuals who were once homeless are transformed into responsible citizens who will add to our community through their work, families and newfound joy of life.
These changes however, will not happen overnight. More people willing to show compassion and understanding are needed to expand the facilities for women and children. More people are needed who understand how some of the blessings God has bestowed upon them could be a blessing to those in need of the expanded facilities and services to women and children.
Won’t you join us in an effort to transform these precious lives?