The first two weeks of 2010 blasted Middle Tennessee with a bitter cold unlike the area had seen in quite some time. It left many homeless men and women on the streets of Nashville unprepared and scrambling for warm places to stay.
As Nashville’s largest shelter, the Nashville Rescue Mission’s doors were wide open to those in need. In fact, even sending out the “Cold Patrol” to pick up homeless men and women living on the streets to bring them in to the shelter. The beds filled quickly and workers were finding chairs and floor space for anyone who needed a place to stay.
The local news media was quick to act, calling attention to the plight of the homeless and the need for resources to keep them safe and warm.
Meanwhile, Robby Meadows, President of Nashville Wraps, was outside doing chores and caring for his pets during the cold, when it occurred to him, “how in the world does this horrible weather affect the homeless living in our community?”
This simple question, prompted Robby to contact the Mission to find out what the needs were and how he could help.
Nashville Wraps employees donated approximately 80 large cartons of new and gently used warm outer clothing, shoes and underwear; plus an additional $230 in cash.
“I answer a lot of emails requesting information about our needs,” said Michelle Brinson, Marketing Coordinator for the Mission. “But there was something different about the emails I received from Mr. Meadows. He kept asking for specifics like sizes and quantities. It didn’t take long for me to realize, he was serious about meeting these specific needs.”
“Everyone who has been involved with this project is starting to realize we have been a part of something so much bigger than us,” said
Robby Meadows. “It has been amazing to watch this thing evolve.”
“Once we saw the number of items needed, we realized this need was way bigger than us,” said Beverly Vaughn with Nashville Wraps. “Robby contacted some of our customers via email and asked them to partner with us to help meet this need. The response has been amazing from them and from our employees! He also contacted some local business to see if they would be willing to help.”
Through their combined efforts Nashville Wraps delivered 12 vanloads of warm winter clothing to the Nashville Rescue Mission. These include individual clothing donations, cash donations, and clothing donations from all over Nashville.
“It is amazing what can be accomplished if everyone just does what they can,” said Vaughn.
When asked why he felt compelled to do this, Meadows replied, “It’s a God thing…who can explain it? I can’t. It seems that in part it is helping someone you don’t know and who will never pay you back.”
Meadows went on to say “We want to help but not for our own glory of course.Like many other companies and organizations in our city, Nashville Wraps and its employees are giving people and will roll up their sleeves when they understand the need. We are in touch with many fine and generous people in the Nashville area that are coming on board with this too. So it is not me per say, but others. I am just a catalyst, a messenger; but privileged and fortunate to do so.”
The Nashville Rescue Mission is extremely grateful for the efforts of Nashville Wraps; it’s employees, customers and friends. It is through the generosity of others, the Mission is able to meet the growing needs of the homeless in our community. Thank you!