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Meet Jim

“I’ve always known God and tried to have a relationship with Him,” shared Jim. “But so many things in my past distracted me, and I found myself forgetting how good He is and how much I needed His grace.” 

When Jim walked through the doors of the Mission less than a year ago, it was his first experience of being homeless and his first time in a treatment program. His childhood—riddled with so many ups and downs, from being the baby in a family of 13 children to deaf parents, who divorced when he was five—was filled with instability. By the time Jim was 15, he had attended 20 different schools, lived in five different foster homes, dropped out of high school, was living on his own, and working full-time to support himself. 

Last year, Jim lost his job, and his drinking escalated. A DUI led to him spending 45 days in jail, and upon his release, Jim was ready to give up. In his despair, Jim turned to a local food pantry for help. Seeing his need for more than just a meal, they recommended he seek treatment, which led Jim to Nashville Rescue Mission. 

“I was at the lowest point I’ve ever been,” shared Jim. “There were times when I was so depressed; I prayed for God to go ahead and take me.” 

“I came to the Mission, not knowing what to expect,” said Jim. “I’ve received more than I could have ever imagined. I’m now a part of a community. I’ve had the chance to go deeper into the Bible. I’ve grown closer to the Lord than ever before. My life has been transformed.” 

Jim has experienced freedom and redemption every day during his time at the Mission. For him, it’s more than a second chance. It’s an opportunity for a new life. Because of Mission supporters, lives like Jim’s are transformed every day. 


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