After years of addiction, sometimes sleeping on the streets, or in jail, Vicky was finally ready to surrender.
“I’d heard about the Mission’s program, but I really didn’t know anything about it. Entering this program has been the biggest blessing in the world to me. It saved my life!”
Vicky was 29 when her life spun out of control. Her once happy marriage fell apart. They divorced, and Vicky numbed the pain with drugs. Eventually, this turned into a full-blown addiction.
“I’ve spent 20 years in and out of treatment,” shared Vicky. “At times I would go years without a relapse. But something was missing and it wasn’t something I could learn through a 12-step program. I needed God.”
When Vicky arrived at the Mission, it was the first time she had been in a program with a Christian focus. “I’ve learned I can’t do this for anyone else, other than God. In the past, I didn’t care about myself enough to do it for me. And when I tried to do it for my family and failed … the shame was too much.”
While at the Mission, Vicky recalls praying for God to take away anything in her life that didn’t suit Him. “It was a struggle for me to pray it out loud. I knew He was listening. I was a smoker for 20 years. He took that desire away. I couldn’t sit still. Today He’s given me peace and now I can sit and be comfortable in my own skin.”
For years Vicky didn’t feel deserving of God’s love and mercy. She ran away from her family, her responsibilities … her life. “I know the Lord protected me through being kidnapped, held hostage, having a gun to my head, a knife to my throat, and more. I didn’t feel worthy to seek help. But God … He took away my shame. He gave me a new life. He gave me hope and I found that at Nashville Rescue Mission.”
Because of you and your faithful support, Vicky is being transformed daily by God’s love. Imagine what her life might be like if the Mission weren’t here to help her? She might still be sleeping on the streets.
As we approach this Easter season, there are so many men and women, much like Vicky, who are wandering the streets of Nashville, in search of something better. Which is why your support means so much to those in crisis and in need of life-saving hope. Your support transforms lives. Give a gift today.
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