Without a diploma or proper education there are fewer opportunities for those living on the streets or struggling with addiction.
Thanks to you, the Nashville Rescue Mission is here to help. While most people know the Mission serves meals and provides beds for the homeless, not everyone knows about the educational opportunities offered to the men and women enrolled in the life-recovery program.
“For me, having a GED means an entirely new world of opportunity is available.”
“We want to help people get off the streets and move on to a more productive way of life,” says Jay Juday, Director of Education. “Education is a powerful key in breaking the cycle of homelessness experienced by many here in Nashville. Education not only raises self-esteem and gives hope for the future, it also contributes to one’s ability to find employment and succeed in life. This is why we are committed to helping the men and women in our programs obtain the skills necessary to become gainfully employed and become contributing members of this community.”
One size doesn’t fit all at the Mission. As each person enters a life-recovery program here, they are tested and evaluated to determine their educational needs. While GED training is the main focus of our educational efforts, it doesn’t stop there. The Mission works with students to improve their math and literacy skills, opening up news doors of opportunity for students in today’s society. 
Ultimately, the classroom lessons are designed to change lives outside of the classroom. A GED certificate teamed with the knowledge of exactly who he or she is in Christ becomes exactly what a person needs to propel them into the life God intended them to enjoy in the first place.
“This was the fifth time I took the GED test,” says Christy, Mission program guest. “I was ready to give up, but the education staff and volunteers just kept encouraging me. They gave me the courage to keep trying.”
“I am so proud of Christy,” says Juday. “She was 9 months pregnant with her 5th child when she took her GED test and finally passed it. It just goes to show you persistence really does pay off.”
Thanks to your generosity and the faithful efforts of our education volunteers, these men and women are able to reenter society as contributing members and have hope for a brighter future. Thank you for your continued support of these programs that are changing lives.