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Mission In My Words: Bob Goff

Earlier this year, the Mission invited me to be the guest speaker at their virtual Celebration of Hope. It was an honor to speak, and during my time, I talked about how hope can be contagious.

It happens when people live their life undistracted, focused on the power of hope, and the possibilities of letting that hope loose in someone’s life. Amazing things can happen when someone shares hope, especially if it’s with someone who has none.

Finding hope may be an easy journey for some of us. But for others, like those experiencing homelessness, it may be very difficult. Those with hope tend to walk around, sending unspoken signals to each other. But if you’ve lost hope and are wandering about, you can’t see it.

Amazing things can happen when someone shares hope, especially if it’s with someone who has none.

If we keep our eyes on the horizon, and our feet where our feet are, we can help people navigate the distance between those two places. This is where you come in. The Mission needs you to help rev up the engine of hope so we can get the message to everyone who needs it.

Nashville Rescue Mission consists of a community of people who have their eyes fixed on Jesus and staring in the direction of hope. The Mission wants to spread some of your hope around.

For that man or woman who feels hopeless, they may feel like no one is listening or communicating with them. But a kind word from you, a thoughtful gesture, these things will go a long way in helping them see people do care and hope is possible.

For someone who is lost, it may feel like they are flying in circles around an airport trying to land, but unable to communicate with the tower. Your support of the Mission will help make this communication possible. Your help will enable the Mission to send out a message to those in need, who may be flying around in circles, you can land your plane here. It’s safe and there is hope.

Bob Goff, the New York Times bestselling author of Love Does and Everybody, Always, is on a mission to help people recapture the version of their lives they dreamed about before fear started calling the shots. He wants them to dream big. His newest book, Dream Big, was released in June 2020.

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