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A New Life for Matthew

Your support changed his life

In 2007, Matthew found himself homeless, addicted to drugs and alcohol and knocking on the door of the Mission. Raised in Texas, Matthew and his family moved to Tennessee, when he was only 15.
“I was shy and picked on at first. But after a guy who was from Texas befriended me, I became a part of the ‘in’ crowd. Unfortunately, this included drinking and drugs,” says Matthew. “I continued in this self-destructive pattern for years.”

This led to failing out of college, various arrests, losing jobs and ultimately housing.  In the midst of this, Matthew married and went on to have a son.

“I was a horrible person then,” he says. “I used everybody up. Eventually, I lost everything. This only made matters worse, as I tried to fill this empty void that was left in my life.”

“I had no idea the Mission had a program,” shares Matthew. “I just knew I had burned all my bridges, I had no place to stay and I was looking for a fix.”

Josh Darnell, Director of Transient Services at the Mission recalls meeting Matthew and telling him, “I don’t think the program is right for you.”
“At the moment, he was right,” Matthew says. “It took me 8 months to decide it was time for a new life.”

During those months, he visited the hospital three times for illnesses. He also attempted suicide and was arrested for trespassing.  Finally, Matthew had enough. He turned his life over to Jesus and entered the Mission’s life-recovery program.

“I finally have an amazing sense of peace that transcends all understanding,” explains Matthew. “At the end of the day I want to know God can say of me, ‘Well done thy good and faithful servant.’”

He graduated in November and is cofounder, along with Josh Darnell, of ACF – AIDS Christian Fellowship. Their goal – help those suffering from AIDS in South Africa.

 “I am a changed man,” says Matthew. “I have a new life in Christ. I feel horrible about hurting the people I loved.  I’m trusting in time, God can heal the wounds I caused.”

It is through your support Matthew’s life is changed. Your contributions not only provide meals and beds for the homeless, but you are also giving them a chance at a new life.

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