Jesus Christ is our hope. (1 Tim 1:1) The power He has to change a life is seen on a daily basis at the Mission. When a homeless man prays for the first time, when a hurting woman invites Him into their heart, when a child sings praises to Him… these and so many more are examples of hope being restored because of the investment you have made in the ministry of Nashville Rescue Mission.
This especially rings true during our annual Easter Banquet when thousands of home-cooked meals are served to those who look to us for food, companionship, and hope. And with your help, restoring hope is possible.
“Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” says Rev. Glenn Cranfield, president and CEO of the Mission. “When the women went to His tomb to prepare Jesus for burial, they found the stone in front of the tomb had been rolled away and inside, an empty grave. Jesus had risen from the dead. His resurrection promises new life and is a reminder there is always hope. At the Mission, Christ’s resurrection power is constantly at work, moving ‘stones,’ and changing lives.”
Easter Sunday is a day of celebration at the Mission. A special service is held in the chapel and while the service is under way, volunteers and their families are busy cooking and preparing meals in the kitchen making sure the feast is just right.
Much like a traditional Easter meal you might eat a home, guests will enjoy ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, and rolls, along with a delicious slice of pie for dessert following the service. Volunteers from all walks of life come to the Mission with a heart to serve and find themselves being met with joy, love, and gratitude from those who otherwise may have spent the day alone and hungry.
“Meals can be the entry point for the homeless to find other services we offer that can help them get off the streets permanently,” said Glenn Cranfield, president and CEO, Nashville Rescue Mission. “A traditional meal like mom used to make, served by volunteers who have chosen to spend their Easter serving at the Mission goes a long way in creating a loving, home-like atmosphere for our guests to enjoy. This act of kindness has a visible impact on our guests.”