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Most people start making travel plans and grocery lists for their family when they think about November holidays … but we start planning events and meals for 2,000! Mark your calendars now to join us as we celebrate a season of thankfulness. We can’t wait to see you!


Nashville Praise Symphony Performance

November 14 / Nashville Rescue Mission’s Men’s Chapel / 7 p.m.

Each year, the Nashville Praise Symphony performs in the Men’s Chapel. It’s a beautiful performance by some of the top area musicians. The event is FREE – bring your friends and family!



Tracy Lawrence Turkey Fry

November 24 / Nashville Rescue Mission’s Men’s Campus Parking Lot

Tracy Lawrence is hosting his 10th annual Turkey Fry in our parking lot! He and his friends will spend the day frying turkeys to feed the homeless at Thanksgiving.

Tracy Lawrence’s Mission: Possible Benefit Concert

November 24 / City Winery / 8 p.m.

After the Turkey Fry, Tracy and very special guests Charlie Daniels, Brad Arnold from Three Doors Down, and more, will perform next door at City Winery. Get your tickets HERE. 

Thanks_RunWhat Do You Run For? Thanksgiving Day Race Packet Pickup

November 24 / Nashville Rescue Mission’s Men’s Campus Parking Lot / 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

That morning is also the packet pickup day for the What Do You Run for race! The race begins and ends at the Men’s Campus.

Life_Recovery Life Recovery Program Graduation

November 25 / Men’s Campus Chapel / 10:30 a.m.

Each month, men and women graduate from our Life Recovery Program. Join us as we combine our graduation services! Graduates will give their testimonies and show before and after photos, sharing stories of transformation and healing.


Great Thanksgiving Banquet

November 25 & 26 / Men’s Campus Dining Room / Noon

It’s the Great Thanksgiving Banquet! We serve Thanksgiving meals two days  – Wednesday and Thursday – to ensure that everyone can celebrate with us!

Thanks_RunWhat Do You Run For? Downtown Thanksgiving Day Race

Benefiting Nashville Rescue Mission

November 26 / Men’s Campus Chapel / 8 a.m.


 Christmas Volunteer Sign-up

Begins December 1

Christmas day is a popular time for volunteers to want to serve a meal at the Mission. To ensure your spot and help us plan, you’ll want to sign up early! Call beginning December 1st. (But don’t wait. Call or go to our volunteer page on the 1st!)

Forgotten_CarolsForgotten Carols

Benefiting Nashville Rescue Mission

December 14 / Collins Theater at Lipscomb University / 7 p.m.

The Forgotten Carols is an exciting and heartwarming holiday musical for the whole family! Purchase your tickets here. Proceeds from the performance benefit Nashville Rescue Mission.

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