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Randy—a Life Transformed!

Randy will never forget his time at Nashville Rescue Mission . . . because he too had been beaten down, hungry, and hurting. He remembers what it was like when he had nowhere else to go.

Drugs ruled Randy’s world for a long time, draining him of all resources and relationships. Being hungry, homeless, and living in fear in every kind of weather—that’s just the way it was.

“I was living under a bridge in Charlotte Park,” he says, recalling the moment of clarity when he realized God didn’t want him to live—or die—under a bridge.

But how could he possibly break the shackles of addiction? He tried many times before, but every time, he would relapse and lose everything.

That’s when Randy cried out, “Help me, God!”

Newly sober, free of drugs, and safe off the streets, Randy began to search for work to anchor him to his commitment. But every job opportunity dried up before it started. Soon, he felt the desperation seeping in, making him doubt he could stay off the streets.

“I’m calling. I’m texting, ‘I need a job!’ But I can’t get mad because this is God’s will,” he remembers, feeling frustrated and losing hope.

Randy kept telling himself, “Something bigger and better is going to happen. One door closes, and another one opens.”

Then came the call that led Randy to a job opportunity with the security team here at Nashville Rescue Mission. Once he was here, he realized God had led him to a place where help, hope, and a new life in Christ truly can be found!

The job, the people, everything—it was the perfect place for Randy to rebuild his life in every way. “I just excelled.” he says.

Today, Randy is pursuing other opportunities to advance his career, but his impact on the Mission and those we serve will never be forgotten.

Five times, Randy helped save the lives of people in our community who nearly died from an overdose. Countless more times, he saw someone on the brink of despair and was able to reach them because he had walked in their shoes. Randy is living proof of God’s faithfulness and the life-changing help available here at the Mission thanks to friends like you.

But hundreds more of our neighbors here in Nashville are just like Randy was—crushed by loss, regret, addiction, and hurt.

In the winter days ahead and throughout the Easter season, Randy will be watching, standing ready to share help and hope with everyone God sends through the Mission doors.

With support and prayers from our caring friends and donors, more people who were once hungry, hurting, and experiencing homelessness will find the tools and encouragement to launch a new beginning in life.

Thank you for sharing meals, help, hope, and God’s LOVE with everyone who is in urgent need now!

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