When a Picture’s Worth more than a Thousand Words
“I grew up dirt poor,” says David. “As a child I lived
on hippie communes with no neighbors for miles, in
tiny apartments and everything in between. I went to
six different high schools and was a punk rock teen that misspent my youth at the detriment of others and myself.”
He Saved Me
Life took a dramatic change when David became a
deeply-committed follower of Jesus Christ. “For the last 20 years I’ve been blessed with a new life where I take nothing for granted and see endless possibilities in each day. Everything I do, say or think comes from my personal relationship with God. I honestly wouldn’t be here if He had not saved me. I would have surely died of a drug overdose or killed myself drinking and driving. I owe Him my very life. So I do all things as unto Him.”
Several years ago, David worked out of a studio close to downtown Nashville. “As I would drive from my studio to a photography store behind the Mission, I would pass homeless men walking up and down the street. I knew that could have been me if circumstances were different.” With that in mind, after any catered photo shoots were over, David would pack up the leftovers and drop them off at the Mission.
Give Him Glory
Other opportunities to serve at the Mission came David’s way through volunteering with his small group from church. “My wife and I served meals on several occasions,” shares David. “It was rewarding, but also humbling. I know we were serving, but it always felt like it was more for us than it was for them.”
David found another way to give back and glorify God through volunteering his talents as a photographer to take photos for Nashville Rescue Mission. “I had so much fun doing the photo shoot for the Mission,” shares David. “I feel like I made 100 new friends that day. It blessed me so much to see how happy the men and women were having their pictures taken. I could tell they were having a great time. Honestly, I know I got so much more out of it than they did.”
Friends of the Mission, like David, give of their time and talents to make a difference in the lives of those who are hurting. Click here to learn more about volunteering or call the Volunteer Hotline at (615) 312-1544.
Visit Visual Reserve to learn more about David Bean and his work.