The homeless enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal because of you
It’s the busiest travel time of the year as people travel across the country or down the street to visit family and friends. Thanksgiving dinners are being arranged and soon folks will gather around their tables with those they love and care about to take in a traditional Thanksgiving meal and celebrate their many blessings.
No Home
For some people, the holiday season brings more loneliness than any other time of the year. Some don’t have families to share the holidays with or a home to invite friends to. Many others do have family and friends, but are struggling so much financially they can’t spare the expense of celebrating Thanksgiving. For these people, Thanksgiving is just a day when they are more acutely aware of the fact that they are homeless or live in poverty.
With your help, the Nashville Rescue Mission served close to 700,000 meals last year to Nashville’s homeless. Each year, the Mission hosts a Thanksgiving dinner, where anyone from the community can come and share Thanksgiving with people who care. They can bring their friends, and the whole family can gather at a place where the door is always open.
Serving Hope
The Mission loves celebrating Thanksgiving! Turkey, cornbread dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes—the whole works—will spread across the dining tables. Guests will enjoy a delicious meal made with love and served with compassion. Volunteers of all ages will join together to make this day extra-special for those who are hungry, homeless and searching for hope.
“Over the years, I’ve watched countless men and women walk through the doors of the Mission on Thanksgiving with their heads held low,” shares Billy Eldridge, Director of Operations. “But when a volunteer takes the time to notice them, whether it’s through a smile, a simple ‘hello,’ or just by carrying their food to a table for them, frowns turn to smiles of gratefulness. Just by being noticed…they see God’s love. Things like that can change a person’s life.”
You’re Invited
This Thanksgiving you’re invited to be a part of the Mission’s Great Thanksgiving Banquet and give those who are less fortunate something to be truly thankful for! Whether you choose to volunteer, give, pray or donate a turkey or other items off the Thanksgiving Wish List—your gifts are welcomed and appreciated.
“This will be my first Thanksgiving at the Mission,” shares Chris Wilson, Director of Volunteer Services. “While it will be spent away from my family, I couldn’t be happier to spend it with my Mission family. I know many sacrifice their Thanksgiving to serve the clients of the Mission. I believe a service that requires sacrifice is the most genuine form of service. It is easy to give away excess, but giving and serving sacrificially aligns us with the heart of God and character of Jesus Christ. I’m so thankful for all the volunteers that give their time and resources to further the ministry of the Mission.”
Thanksgiving is a time for being thankful. Faithful donors like you, who give funds, clothing, food and other items help the homeless in more ways than one. This ministry is thankful for volunteers who give of their time to help with serving food, teaching classes, speaking in chapel and other events. Everyone at the Nashville Rescue Mission is extremely thankful for all of you who pray for the homeless every day, and most of all for a loving, gracious God who hears those prayers and blesses the Mission each and every day.