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Your Hungry &

Hurting Neighbors

Need You Now!

Your gifts and prayers this Thanksgiving help provide relief, stability, and HOPE for men, women, and children in harm’s way who have nowhere else to turn, no one left to count on.

And it is because of your help, HOPE LIVES HERE . . . hope for today, hope for tomorrow, and hope for eternity.

That’s why your generous support—your compassion in action—is vital to provide the 28,800 meals we’ll be called to serve this special season, along with safe shelter . . . life skills and training . . . proven recovery . . . and the opportunity for a transformed life in Christ at the holidays!

It can’t happen without your help—so please give now and pray today to share a Thanksgiving meal and hope with every $2.26 you share this season. Thanks & blessings!

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