Mayor Karl Dean—Mission In My Words
This year marks my seventh holiday season as Mayor and
my seventh year participating
in the Great Thanksgiving Banquet at Nashville Rescue Mission. Each year, alongside generous volunteers, I have
had the privilege of serving Nashville’s homeless men, women and children a traditional Thanksgiving meal. I’m pleased to be participating again this year.
Service to the community—to the “least of these”—is an often-overlooked part of what makes Nashville such a great city. Often the headlines discuss Nashville as an “it” city or as a “boomtown” for economic growth. These accolades are great, and I certainly think Nashville has earned them.
What doesn’t get so much attention is that Nashville also tops the list as a compassionate and engaged city. Nashvillians look out for one another, and they aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves to help those who need a helping hand.
Nashville Rescue Mission is a shining example of that Nashville spirit. All year long, the staff and volunteers of the Mission work tirelessly to not only provide shelter and safety to Nashville’s homeless citizens, but to help change their lives for the better.
Helping those who can’t help themselves—or just need a little help up—does another thing for our community. It helps our city grow and prosper. When we help a homeless man heal his life, retool his skills and ultimately find work, we build a more economically secure Nashville—for all of us. When we help a single mother off the street, assist her with life-skills and encourage her to get her GED, we make her family stronger and Nashville stronger.
All of us have a role to play in ensuring Nashville’s continued prosperity. By engaging volunteers and resources to provide help, hope and healing, Nashville Rescue Mission plays a critical leadership role. You, as a supporter of the Mission, are also supporting the broader Nashville community and for that I would like to simply say “thank you.”
Help feed the hungry and homeless this Thanksgiving.