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TODAY is our

Day of Giving Hope


Every year, thousands of unhoused men, women, and children have nowhere to spend the holidays.

But thanks to your heartfelt generosity, Nashville Rescue Mission can keep our doors open for every person who comes in off the streets seeking a warm meal to eat and a safe bed to sleep in.

With your holiday gift, they’ll receive all that and so much more.

Please consider the impact when you give hope. . .

· $70 in honor of our 70th Anniversary will provide 25 nourishing meals.

· $250 gives 11 people a night of warm shelter from the streets.

· $775 supports all the services and resources for one guest throughout their stay here.


Any gift of any size will provide hope for today, hope for tomorrow, and hope for eternity for those who are hungry, hurting, and experiencing homelessness.

Thank you for sharing God’s love to touch as many lives as you can this holiday season!


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