Scott Hamilton–
While most people know me for winning a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics, what they may not know is how many obstacles I tackled getting there. I have battled and overcome a rare childhood illness, ill health, failing in skating, losing my parents, broken relationships, cancer, brain tumor, chemotherapy and surgery. These experiences shaped me and helped me in relating to others who have or will face difficulties in life. It’s for this reason I believe in the work of Nashville Rescue Mission. We both share a desire to help those in need overcome some of life’s greatest challenges.
I would imagine most of the people who seek help at the Mission have faced countless hurdles, leaving many of them feeling like victims. Until I found skating, I lived my life feeling like a victim. Victims tend to think events in their lives define or limit them. Yet, I’ve met many people who have risen above their circumstances or perceived limitations to become better than they have ever been.
Nashville Rescue Mission is a blessing. They provide a safe environment for those in need. They give those who are struggling an opportunity to change their life, to overcome those things that have held them back and lead them in new direction.
Shattered glass will never do what it did before. But if you hold it up to the light, it can make rainbows and great beauty that it couldn’t do before. When you look at things from a different angle, it gives you great strength. Nashville Rescue Mission is helping those in need see things in a new way and develop strength they didn’t know they had.
Regardless of the reason, I’m sure many of the men and women who come to the Mission never imagined this is where they would be. For me, I see everything that has happened in my life, even the difficult things, as God-scheduled opportunities. The Mission is standing ready with an open door, to provide the homeless, hungry and hurting in this community with a God-scheduled opportunity to change their life… leading them to a greater sense of purpose, direction and confidence.
While I am best known as a solo artist, the secret to my success was that I was never alone on the ice. My faith in God—whom I like to call my Almighty Coach—was always lifting me to new heights I never could have reached on my own. The Mission is showing those who come through their doors, they are not alone. They too have an Almighty Coach who is always with them and will never leave them.
The most recognized male figure skating star in the world, Scott Hamilton is an Olympic Gold Medalist, Network TV skating commentator, Emmy Award nominee, best-selling author, role model, humanitarian, philanthropist, and a cancer and brain tumor survivor.