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The Coffee House

Coffee HouseCoffee House

It’s your typical Friday night. For some this means a quiet night at home on the couch; for others it’s date night followed by a movie; but for the men in the Nashville Rescue Mission’s life-recovery program it’s coffee time!

Friday Night Fun
“In the past, Friday nights were pretty low key around here,” said Marty, a life-recovery program student. “Now they’ve become a time of fellowship, music, games and fun.”
“It started with me bringing my dog Ben a couple of Friday nights each month,” says Barbara. “It soon evolved into a Friday night coffee house gathering.”
Barbara was inspired and invited friends Bruce and Tami to brainstorm with her. Ideas started flowing and everything fell into place. “First, we found these great coffee mugs someone donated,” says Barbara. “Then Tami offered to paint a mural, which turned out great. Bruce offered to donate sound equipment. Others donated coffee, donuts and snacks. It was definitely a team effort.”
“On our first night we had volunteers showing up to serve while others were singing and playing music. It was an amazing night of fellowship,” said Barbara.
“I can’t tell you how much this coffee house has come to mean to me.” –Marty
Dreams Realized
“Having a coffee house here has always been a dream of mine,” shares Curry Womack, Program Director at the Nashville Rescue Mission. “This is an answer to prayer. I see this weekly Friday night event as an opportunity for our clients and volunteers to grow, be encouraged and for God to be glorified.”
“I was delighted to use my talents to help paint the coffee house room, but the best part is the fellowship,” says Marty. “We have a rigorous schedule and this time allows us to relax, enjoy coffee, snacks and really connect with each other. It’s all about developing healthy friendships.”
This is an exciting new opportunity for volunteers. Here are just a few ways to get involved: donate coffee, donate food, volunteer to serve, play music, sing, meet and greet. If you’re interested please contact our Volunteer Hotline at (615) 312-1544 or send an email.


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