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Derek’s Story – A Special Place of Help and Healing

The sudden loss of his wife shattered Derek’s* life. He stopped sleeping and buried himself in work.

“I was blessed with a wonderful wife, and we had a great marriage and three wonderful kids we raised. They’re all grown, doing well for themselves . . .

“We lived by our faith in God, our family came second, then our financial or career came last. That’s how my wife and I lived.”

Then came what they thought was a simple stomach bug that led to an infection which eventually attacked her organs and took her life. Just like that, Derek’s true love and companion of 29 years was gone.


“You get used to being with somebody so long that part of you dies,” he says.


Unable to cope with the sudden loss and his profound grief, Derek threw himself into his work, logging 120 hours a week and sleeping just two hours a day.

“I just worked, and worked, and kept on working,” he says, remembering those difficult days.

“I tried to keep myself composed. I’m one that wouldn’t share my problems. Being a husband and a father, you take care of your family; you do everything you can—you just unconditionally sacrifice for your wife and kids . . .

“I was blessed. I was raised in a Christian family home. I’ve never been in jail or arrested or anything like that. I was never hooked on drugs or alcohol,” he says. “But I guess I kind of had a mental breakdown for not facing the situation.”

Desperately sick and consumed by grief, Derek began to doubt that his life had any purpose. A concerned friend brought him to see a mental health professional . . .

Shortly after, Derek met a man who knew how God is transforming lives through Nashville Rescue Mission’s Life Recovery Program . . .

“I told him my story, and he shared with me about the Life Recovery Program, how it provides extra guidance and help,” Derek says.

Safely at the Mission, Derek learned that Life Recovery exists to help people heal and rebuild their lives—physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially.

Derek’s strong faith had always structured his life. And Derek’s faith would once again become his anchor because Life Recovery is an intense, comprehensive, Christ-centered program. Here, men and women work to understand the reasons for a broken lifestyle—whether it’s addiction, homelessness, trauma, or mental health issues—so they can take next steps to rebuild on a solid foundation rooted in God’s Word.

“The program gave me time to reflect, time to clear my mind and reflect on things,” Derek says. “God has given me direction and given me some ideas [and ways] I can continue some legacy of what my wife and I planned to do.”

This Thanksgiving will be very different for Derek, having completed the Life Recovery Program and restored balance to his life. Your gift today can make new beginnings possible for others who are facing despair and hopelessness!


*Name changed for privacy.

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